A downloadable tool

This package is useable on Unity versions 2019.4 and up. 

Now available on the Unity Asset Store.

The EntityController2D is a pack that makes it fast and easy to get characters in your 2D game moving. Anything from characters that are controlled by a player to NPCs and enemies. It was made for people who don't want to code and for those who do but want the bulk of the beginning set up done. Great for artists wanting to demo their work in motion or developers wanting to get their game up and running fast.

Set up is extremely simple and requires no code.

With this pack you will be able to quickly set up an entity that acts as a simple enemy, or one that is more complex for the player to control. From simple moving and jumping to that plus jumping on walls, climbing, dashing, and even running up walls, the Entity Controller was designed for customization, control, and being expanded on to further fit your game. Customizable states make it easy to change how your entities will move but also provide structure for code to be added allowing for easy expansion for movement capabilities.

This pack was made with 2d platformers in mind but will work for any 2d side scrolling game.

This Pack Includes 

  • Scripts that handle all movement needs from complex collision detection to velocity handling for your character set up to be customizable without code
  • Movement includes walking, running, dashing, sliding down slopes, running up walls, wall climbing, wall jumping, double jumps, and mid air dashes
  • Unity events for extra customization of effects
  • Easy to set up animation handling with Unity's scriptable objects class, again, no code needed
  • Custom input set up with scriptable objects for easy button layout set up
  • A pre set up character with basic animations to demonstrate a set up player character
  • Documentation to guide set up in 4 steps and provide extra details about use cases 

For those wanting to code this pack is also formatted to be expanded upon if additional features are wanted. Input methods, animation method, and events can all be easily changed. 

You can go here to see a demo of an earlier build of this package in action.

Get The Pack Here: https://u3d.as/2VKY

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